To learn about the Travel Guidelines for out-of-state guests visiting Vermont, go to Currently, out-of-state guests must quarantine for 14-days or quarantine for 7-days and have a negative COVID-19 test before arriving at the Lyndon Outing Club. Upon your arrival, we will follow the State of Vermont guidelines requiring you to sign off on the Vermont State Safe Travel Policy by filling out a Covid-19 attestation sheet and to collect your contact information to complete contact tracing, should it become necessary.
The health, safety, and well-being of the Lyndon Outing Club volunteers, lift operators, guests, and the Northeast Kingdom community is our number one priority. Our safety guidelines are based on state and federal agencies’ data to safeguard employees’ and visitors’ well-being.
Health Screening & Hygiene
All employees and guests must self-screen for symptoms of respiratory illness before arrival, and you should not be on-site if you believe you are sick. Symptoms can include:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
For full details, visit:
Attestation Sheet
All visitors to the Lyndon Outing Club must prove that they follow Vermont’s travel guidelines by filling out and submitting an attestation sheet. To save time, you can view and print off the attestation sheet here and bring a filled out copy with you to the LOC to turn in when purchasing your lift tickets.
Masks or face coverings are required in all public spaces, both indoors and outdoors. You must use a face-covering that covers both the nose and mouth when interacting with others from outside of your household.
- Masks are required indoors and outdoors, when assembling at the heat lamps, picnic tables (except for when you’re eating), in lift lines, on the t-bar, and any place you come into any contact with people outside your family or traveling party.
- Masks are not required when skiing or riding down the hill.
Physical Distancing
Guests and staff are required to practice physical distancing by standing at least 6 feet away from others at all times.
Case Notification
If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms, contact the Lyndon Outing Club right away at or call (802) 626-8465.
If we are alerted of anyone displaying or developing symptoms, we will direct them to the appropriate health authorities for testing and further guidance. Additional cleaning and disinfecting of areas the individual visited at the LOC will be conducted.
The Lodge
The base lodge will be closed to the public, except for the use of the bathroom. When inside the building to use the bathroom, you MUST wear a face mask and respect 6’ feet of distance between others.
Ticket Window
This year you will be purchasing your lift tickets and ordering food from a new ticket window under the porch.
Boots and Bags
You must put your boots and gear on in the car. No bags are allowed in the lodge or outside; please leave them in your vehicle.
Outside Seating
We will have outside seating this year with picnic tables and heat lamps. Tables are only available for people who are actively skiing or riding, and usage will be limited to ensure as many people as possible can warm up, eat, etc. Tables should be utilized by the same members of your family or traveling party. You must follow social distancing and wear masks (except when eating) in this new public space.
All high touch surfaces such as counters, door handles, and restrooms will be cleaned, and mandated disinfecting protocols will be followed.